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Honan Shaolin Association Logo
and Hand Seals

The logo features a 'Vanquishing Fear' hand seal (shiwuwei yin 施無畏印) at its center flanked by two flames, representing an indestructible 'wrathful energy (jingang 金剛) which terrifies evil. This logo has been in use since 1974 in the USA, 1984 in Canada and registered as a with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office in 1995 (Registration #436900). The trademark: "Honan Shaolin Golden Dragon Team" was registered trademark (TMA628345) with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office in 2004.

Our lineage uses both the single left and right hand shiwuwei yin (施無畏印); the crossed two-hand; Jingang Hezhang Shouyin (金刚合掌手印), left hand forward a gesture of warding of evil, protection; and crossed hands fingers bent subduing evil gesture.


©2023 by Honan Shaolin Wushu (Cultural and Historical) Association

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