The Shaolin Golden Dragon Dance

Honan Shaolin Golden Dragon Dance includes oral traditions, rituals, and music. Two types of Dragons are used: Heaven Dragon—Tian Long 莖龍 and Divine/Rain Bringing—Shui Long 彊龍, which in ancient times were part of the ceremonies conducted on behalf of the Imperial government. The Shaolin Golden Dragon Dance has thirty established patterns, each used for different occasions, entrance rules, and special rules and taboos.
Shaolin Si (少林寺) was a significant state/public monastery (Shifang Conglin 十方叢林) since ancient times. Their supervisory clergy were appointed by the Imperial throne and accountable to it. These monasteries were also required to perform ceremonies for the Emperor. During the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), it was customary for four-legged long dragons to adorn the ridges of temple roofs only those temples under imperial patronage.
Chinese 'dancing' dragons were used in two ways: during ancient times in Imperial Ceremonies conducted on behalf of the Imperial government and by villages throughout the country; second, they were used in festive street celebrations.
The dragon dance is an artistic expression, specifically of Chinese culture, with a spiritual dimension firmly rooted in civic life and part of the broader community. Today the dragon dance functions in three distinct ways: its presence transforms public spaces into a rich cultural experience; symbolically, the dragon expresses authentic Chinese identity and, as a privileged means of attracting people of all ethnic backgrounds together in solidarity to inspire goodwill and creativity. In addition to providing the Chinese community with a sense of identity and continuity, the dragon dance exerts an essential function in promoting physical and mental health and harmonious community life.
The Chinese Dragon Dance’s cultural meanings and social functions continue to be practiced and enriched, bearing witness to human creativity and solidarity.

Adult Dragon Team

Children's Dragon Team
Everyone ages 7 and up are welcome to join! There are no fees for joining the team; the only requirement is to bring your enthusiasm, commitment to weekly practices, and participation in occasional public performances.
Parental supervision required.
The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre
197 1st Street SW, Calgary, AB, Canada
The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre is a special community centre for the Community of Chinatown, the Chinese community and the citizens of Calgary. Its objectives are to serve as a community centre and hub for Calgarians to meet and socialize, and to undertake educational and recreational programs and activities to enrich the lives of all Calgarians.
Sundays 10 AM TO 11 AM
(403) 262-5071 or email
Everyone is welcome to audition! There are no fees for joining the team; the only requirement is to bring your enthusiasm, commitment to weekly practices, and participation in occasional public performances. While no experience is required, there is an audition process and does take into consideration your potential to:
• Learn on the go and execute a new skill within a short timeframe.
• Physical fitness
• Learn basic dance movement patterns (舞龍).
• Willingness to commit and try new things.
• Participate in occasional public performances
The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre
197 1st Street SW, Calgary, AB, Canada
The Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre is a special community centre for the Community of Chinatown, the Chinese community and the citizens of Calgary. Its objectives are to serve as a community centre and hub for Calgarians to meet and socialize, and to undertake educational and recreational programs and activities to enrich the lives of all Calgarians.
Sundays 11 AM TO 12 Noon
We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to participate in intercultural events. Let's connect.